Below is a list of each type of proposal. Select the proposal type below that best describes what you are working on to find out more about how to create and submit a proposal and the approval steps.
Guidance for Program Proposals
Types of Programs
A program is a series of courses that culminate in conferral of a credential, which could be described as a “program,” whether or not the credential has the same name as a currently transcripted UK credential (degree, certificate, badge, honor or other credential(s)) as determined by the Office of the Provost. A program may be credit-bearing or non-credit-bearing, although only credit-bearing programs are recorded on an academic transcript. The Office of the Provost has purview over all activities that could be construed as a “program.”
UK currently offers four types of programs:
- Badges (defined here)
- Minors
- Certificates
- Degrees
And for each program, there are three types of curricular actions: new, change and suspend/close.
Program Changes
Underneath the "change" action, there are three categories:
- Minor change
- Change
- Significant change
Types of Program Proposals
New Degree
Creating Proposal for New Degree
The first step is to fill out this survey. Staff from the Office of Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (OSPIE) will contact you to give you access to a shared work space in SharePoint where you can work on the forms required for a new degree program. This work space will be available for completing all requirements of the CPE new program approval process, as well as a resource page for the CPE approval process. (The forms are available through Curriculum, via the links below and also on the SharePoint site.) Because OSPIE acts as a liaison for the CPE process, the SharePoint site functionality allows improved collaborations with and among proposers.
New degree program proposals are submitted using Curriculum. Answer the questions embedded in Curriculum and begin compiling information using the forms/files described below. (The header language in Curriculum describes how to upload the files described below.) In an effort to promote collaboration among units, proposers may choose to upload the assessment plan after departmental approval, when the curriculum is likely to be solidified. However, all uploads (from OSPIE, as well as required letters) must be included with the proposal prior to it being approved at the college level.
NOTE: Only the provided files are to be used for the first three types of uploads, listed below. Proposers who submit information in other formats (i.e., curriculum not in the Curriculum Workbook or submitting a narrative description of the faculty of record instead of using the form) will be asked to resubmit the information using the provided forms.
Curriculum Workbook
Proposers will need to fill out the appropriate provided Curriculum Workbook, which describes the required and elective courses, admissions standards, etc. Click on the Curriculum Workbook type below that is appropriate for the degree level. Do not convert the Curriculum Workbook into a PDF but rather upload into Curriculum the Excel workbook as a “.xlsx” file.
New Undergraduate Degree Curriculum Workbook
New Master's Degree Curriculum Workbook
New Doctoral Degree Curriculum Workbook
Program Faculty
Proposers will need to fill out the appropriate provided faculty of record form. Click on the faculty of record form type below that is appropriate for the degree level being proposed. Convert the file to PDF format and upload a single PDF.
Undergraduate Program Faculty Form
Proposers will need to fill out the five OSPIE-provided forms listed below. There are no links on this page to those forms, however proposers will be able to access these files from the OSPIE-provided SharePoint site that is created upon submission of the survey described at the top of this page. All five forms are required for every new degree program proposal, regardless of whether the proposal is for an undergraduate, master's or doctoral degree.
- CPE questions
- Kentucky Postsecondary Program Proposal System (KPPPS) Revenue/Expense Sheet
- SACS Faculty Roster
- Assessment Plan
- KPPPS Course Template
Combine files 1-4 into one PDF and upload as a single document. Fill out file 5 and submit as a single Excel file.
Required Letters
There are a variety of letters of support that proposers will need to submit, which are listed below. Convert individual letters to PDF format, combine them and upload as a single document.
- Letter of support/administrative feasibility from dean(s)
- Correspondence from department chair/DUS/DGS (or meeting minutes) granting approval for use of borrowed courses (must include specific course prefix(es) and number(s)) (if relevant)
- Letters of support from affected departments (if relevant)
- Letters of support from additional units (if relevant)
GCCR Form and Other Files
If a proposal is for an undergraduate degree, proposers will need to submit the GCCR form. Proposers may also include student surveys, benchmark data, job market surveys and letters of support from other areas. If there are other documents you would like to upload with your proposal, include them with this upload.
Convert individual files to PDF format, combine them and upload as a single document.
New Certificate
Creating Proposal for a New Certificate
The first step is to fill out this survey. Staff from the Office of Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (OSPIE) will contact you to give you access to a shared work space in SharePoint where you can work on the forms required for a new certificate program.
New certificate proposals are submitted using Curriculum. Answer the questions embedded in Curriculum and begin compiling information using the forms/files described below. (The header language in Curriculum describes how to upload the files described below.) In an effort to promote collaboration among units, proposers may choose to upload the assessment plan after departmental approval, when the curriculum is likely to be solidified. However, all uploads must be included with the proposal prior to it being approved at the college level.
NOTE: Only OSPIE and other provided files are to be used for the first two types of uploads, listed below. Proposers who submit information in other formats (i.e., curriculum not in the Curriculum Workbook or submitting a narrative description of the faculty of record instead of using the form) will be asked to resubmit the information using the provided forms.
Curriculum Upload
Proposers will need to fill out the appropriate Curriculum Workbook, which will describe the required and elective courses, admissions standards, etc. Click on the Curriculum Workbook type below that is appropriate for the degree level. Do not convert the Curriculum Workbook into a PDF but rather upload into Curriculum the Excel workbook as a “.xlsx” file.
New Undergraduate Certificate Curriculum Workbook
New Graduate Certificate Curriculum Workbook
Program Faculty
Proposers will need to fill out the appropriate program faculty form. Click on the program faculty form type below that is appropriate for the degree level. Convert the file to PDF format and upload as a single document.
New Undergraduate Certificate Program Faculty Form
New Graduate Certificate Program Faculty Form
Assessment Plan
Proposers must create an assessment plan, which is required instead of the old series of questions about assessment. For more information about developing an assessment plan, email OSPIE. When the assessment plan is complete, convert it to a PDF and upload that document.
Required Letters
There are a variety of letters of support that proposers will need to submit, which are listed below. Convert individual letters to PDF format, combine them and upload as a single document.
- Letter of support/administrative feasibility from dean(s)
- Correspondence from department chair/DUS/DGS (or meeting minutes) granting approval for use of borrowed courses (must include specific course prefix(es) and number(s)) (if relevant)
- Letters of support from affected departments (if relevant)
- Letters of support from additional units (if relevant)
Other Files
Proposers may also include student surveys, benchmark data, job market surveys and letters of support from other areas. If there are other documents you would like to upload with your proposal, include them with this upload. Convert individual files to PDF format, combine them and upload as a single document.
New Minor
Creating Proposal for a New Minor
New minor proposals are submitted using Curriculum. Answer the questions embedded in Curriculum and begin compiling information using the forms/files described below. (The header language in Curriculum describes how to upload the files described below.)
NOTE: Only the provided curriculum workbook is to be used for the curriculum. Proposers who submit curriculum information that is not in the Curriculum Workbook will be asked to resubmit the information using the provided form.
Curriculum Upload
Proposers will need to fill out the Curriculum Workbook for new minors, which will describe the required and elective courses, admissions standards, etc. Do not convert the Curriculum Workbook into a PDF but rather upload the Excel workbook as a “.xlsx” file.
Letters (if relevant)
There are a variety of letters of support that proposers may need to submit, which are listed below. Convert individual letters to PDF format, combine them and upload as a single document.
- Correspondence from department chair/DUS/DGS (or meeting minutes) granting approval for use of borrowed courses (must include specific course prefix(es) and number(s)) (if relevant)
- Letters of support from affected departments (if relevant)
- Letters of support from additional units (if relevant)
Other Files
Proposers may also include student surveys, benchmark data, job market surveys and letters of support from other areas. If there are other documents you would like to upload with your proposal, include them with this upload. Convert individual files to PDF format, combine them and upload as a single document.
New Badge
Creating Proposal for New Badge
New badge proposals are submitted using Curriculum. Answer the questions embedded in Curriculum and begin compiling information using the forms/files described below. (The header language in Curriculum describes how to upload the files described below.)
Click here for information about what constitutes a badge.
Assessment Plan
Upload a completed assessment plan; template provided by OSPIE (
Faculty Body
If the badge will be housed outside of a college (i.e., in the Office of the Provost), upload the following two items:
- Form describing the proposed faculty body, available here; and
- Letter of support from the Office of the Provost.
If the badge will be housed in a traditional academic unit (i.e., department or college), no additional information about the faculty body is needed.
Digital Component
If the badge will include a digital component (e.g., applied to a person’s social media account or professional networking platform), upload a PNG image of the graphic.
Letters (if relevant)
There are a variety of letters of support that proposers may need to submit, which are listed below. Convert individual letters to PDF format, combine them and upload as a single document.
- Correspondence from department chair/DUS/DGS (or meeting minutes) granting approval for use of borrowed courses (must include specific course prefix(es) and number(s)) (if relevant)
- Letters of support from affected departments (if relevant)
- Letters of support from additional units (if relevant)
Minor Change (Certificate, Degree or Minor)
Minor program changes are submitted using Curriculum. To begin your proposal, select the form for the specific type of program being changed.
Follow the directions in the header of the Curriculum form to import the program. Then answer the questions embedded in Curriculum.
There are no required uploads for a minor program change.
The approval process is as follows:
- Upon submission, a minor program change is reviewed by the faculty of the proposer’s department.
- Upon approval, the department will submit the proposal to the college faculty for review. This is often done through a group of faculty organized through the dean’s office such as a faculty council or educational policy or curriculum committee.
- After approval at the college level, a minor program change moves directly to the Office of the Provost and the appropriate group(s) led by the Provost during the transition to a new Faculty Senate.
- After review by the appropriate group (s), office staff will present the proposal to the Provost, who may choose to approve it, reject it or request additional information.
- Upon approval by the Provost, the proposal is sent to the Registrar’s office for inclusion in the Catalog
- The approval process for a minor program change is complete after approval by the Provost.
Change or Significant Change (Certificate, Degree or Minor)
Creating a Proposal for a Program Change or Significant Change
The first step is to fill out this survey.
Change certificate proposals are submitted using Curriculum. Answer the questions embedded in Curriculum and begin compiling information using the forms/files described below. (The header language in Curriculum describes how to upload the files described below.)
NOTE: Only the provided files are to be used for the curriculum information. Proposers who submit curriculum information that is not in the Curriculum Workbook will be asked to resubmit the information using the provided forms.
Curriculum Upload
Proposers will need to fill out the appropriate provided Curriculum Workbook, which will describe the changes to required and elective courses, etc. Click on the Curriculum Workbook type below that is appropriate for the degree level. Do not convert the Curriculum Workbook into a PDF but rather upload the Excel workbook as a “.xlsx” file.
Change Undergraduate Degree Curriculum Workbook
Change Master's Degree Curriculum Workbook
Change Doctoral Degree Curriculum Workbook
Change Undergraduate Certificate Curriculum Workbook
Change Graduate Certificate Curriculum Workbook
Change Minor Curriculum Workbook
Letters (if relevant)
There are a variety of letters of support that proposers may need to submit, which are listed below. Convert individual letters to PDF format, combine them and upload as a single document.
- Correspondence from department chair/DUS/DGS (or meeting minutes) granting approval for use of borrowed courses (must include specific course prefix(es) and number(s)) (if relevant).
- Letters of support from affected departments (if relevant).
- Letters of support from additional units (if relevant).
Other Files
Proposers may also include student surveys, benchmark data, job market surveys and letters of support from other areas. If there are other documents you would like to upload with your proposal, include them with this upload. Convert individual files to PDF format, combine them and upload as a single document.
Request for Online Delivery
Requests for Online Delivery are always part of a larger proposal to create a new program or change an existing program. (Adding Online Delivery to an existing program is a major program change. For program changes, it is possible that the only change is the request for Online Delivery.)
Suspend Admissions and/or Close Program or Modality
Proposals to suspend/close are submitted using Curriculum and must be accompanied by a teach-out plan. Click here to access the teach-out plan, which is provided by OSPIE. Proposers must answer the questions embedded in Curriculum and upload the completed teach-out plan. (OSPIE's teach-out plan is the only required upload.)
Additionally, contact OSPIE here to notify the office if you are suspending admissions.