Curriculum Proposals
Transition Questions
As of June 14, 2024, the University Senate is dissolved and will be replaced by a Faculty Senate. During the transition, this site will continue to hold relevant information for the continuation of duties. The previous University Senate rules have been transitioned to Administrative Regulations. Information on Curriculog, proposals and syllabi has permanently moved to the Office of the Provost website under Curriculum Proposals.
If you have any questions regarding the transition, please email facultysenatetransition@uky.edu.
Curriculum is the University’s curriculum management system for processing all course and program proposals.
Accessing Curriculum Click “Login” in the upper right corner of this webpage and enter your Link Blue ID and password. Recommended web browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.
Syllabus Information
Curriculum Proposals
Proposals are grouped under three main categories: Courses, Programs and Educational Units.
Checklists for Proposers and Reviewers
Prior to submitting a proposal, use these checklists to familiarize yourself with the process and to ensure you have completed all required steps and documentation.
Guidance on Proposals
Proposals Unrelated to Curriculum or Organizational Strucure
For proposals unrelated to curriculum or organizational structure, chairs of academic councils and committees must include a cover page. Those that do not come from an academic council or committee must include a different cover page.
Combine all proposal-related files, including the cover page, and submit to the Office of the Provost as a single PDF.
Cover Page for Proposals from Academic Councils and Committees
Cover Page for Proposals not from Academic Councils and Committees