I am very pleased to announce that Lisa Tannock has accepted the position of Associate Provost for Faculty Advancement at UK. She will begin her duties in this pivotal position in July.
While we will commence a search process for the next Director of the Gaines Center in the fall, at this time, we are requesting nominations for Acting Director. This is a position that will begin July 1, 2023.
I am pleased to announce that I have appointed Dr. Alice Turkington as the University of Kentucky Academic Ombud for the 2023-2024 academic year, effective July 1, 2023.
Decisions to promote faculty and to award tenure are important to faculty development and among the most important judgments made by any university. We recognize this responsibility, and we want to ensure you fully understand the relevant procedures.
Sue Nokes, Acting Associate Provost for Faculty Advancement
Apr 21, 2023
We are committed to upholding academic integrity and ensuring fairness. As part of that process, we want to highlight resources available to support proctoring and plagiarism detection.
Dr. Martha Peterson has agreed to continue to serve as acting dean of the Graduate School and acting associate provost for graduate and professional education, effective July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, or until a new dean can be hired.
Given that Martha Peterson’s current appointment as Acting Dean of the Graduate School/Acting Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Education ends on June 30, it is necessary to either reappoint or appoint another Acting Dean of the Graduate School/Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Education, starting July 1, 2022, until a new dean can be hired.