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Partnership with the Provost | Dec. 9

Our next Partnership with the Provost dialogue will take place Thursday, Dec. 9, in the Gatton Student Center E. Britt Brockman Senate Chamber at 1:30 p.m.

Thankful for You

As the holiday season begins, I want to tell you how grateful I am to be a member of this community. It has been an honor to serve as acting provost alongside each of you this semester.

Partnership with the Provost | Nov. 11

I look forward to gathering once again for our next conversation on Thursday, Nov. 11 in the Gatton Student Center E. Britt Brockman Senate Chamber at noon.

Search Update: Dean of the Graduate School and Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Education

Based on recent feedback, I am adjusting the scope of our search for the Dean of the Graduate School and Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Education. This will be a national search, open to both internal and external applicants.

Announcement of Associate Provost for Faculty Advancement Search Committee

Nominations for membership of the search committee for the associate provost for faculty advancement were solicited in October. Based on those nominations, the committee has been formed. The committee co-chairs are Katie Cardarelli, senior associate provost for administration and academic affairs, and Mark Shanda, dean, College of Fine Arts.

Call for Nominations: Dean of the Graduate School and Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Education

I am beginning a new search process for the dean of the Graduate School and the associate provost for graduate and professional education. This will be an internal search process. The first step is a request for nominations for members of the search committee.

Partnership with the Provost | Oct. 19

The following message from Acting Provost DiPaola was sent to faculty on Thursday, Oct. 13, 2021. 

Call for Nominations: Associate Provost for Faculty Advancement Search Committee

G.T. Lineberry has announced that he will step down from the role of Associate Provost for Faculty Advancement at the end of 2021. We are planning to commence a search process for the next Associate Provost for Faculty Advancement. This will be an internal search process. The first step is a request for nominations for members of the search committee.

Partnership with the Provost | Oct. 19

The next Partnership with the Provost is on Oct. 19 at 11:30 a.m. on Zoom.

Senior Associate Provost for Administration and Academic Affairs

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Katie Cardarelli as Senior Associate Provost for Administration and Academic Affairs. 

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