Call for Nominations: Acting Vice Provost and Dean Liaison and Advisory Committee Members
Dear Colleagues,
I am eager to announce a new opportunity being developed within the Office of the Provost: Vice Provost and Dean Liaison. This position will help us focus even more on academic efforts across our colleges. The full position description and call for a permanent search will be conducted soon. In the meantime, below are highlights of the role, which will first be filled on an acting basis:
- Function as primary liaison to college deans for day-to-day activities;
- Help colleges engage and leverage strengths of multiple shared services and central units;
- Provide leadership and management direction to staff; and
- Ensure compliance with federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations, and university policies, procedures and Administrative Regulations and Governing Regulations.
Those interested in this opportunity should have a terminal degree in their field of study, be at the rank of professor in the regular title series with tenure and have senior administrative experience leading an academic unit, e.g., college, for more than 10 years.
Advisory Committee Nominations
Governing Regulation VIII (GR VIII) states that I shall request a recommendation on matters of acting appointments from a committee which includes faculty members from that unit. Further, GR VIII specifies that input should be sought from staff employees of the unit and others who may be affected.
Thus, in accordance with GR VIII, I will form an advisory committee of faculty, staff and students from across campus and meet with them to solicit their recommended names of acting vice provost and dean liaison candidates. If you would like to nominate an individual(s) to serve on the advisory committee, please click here.
Acting Vice Provost and Dean Liaison Nominations
In addition, anyone in the campus community is welcome to suggest names of candidates to serve as acting vice provost and dean liaison. Please click hereto submit your recommendation for an acting vice provost and dean liaison, including a brief justification. All recommendations and justifications are treated confidentially.
To ensure full consideration for both advisory committee membership and acting vice provost and dean liaison recommendations, please submit your nominations no later than noon on Friday, August 11.
Based on the recommendations of the advisory committee and campus community, I will consider the names suggested and engage in conversations with candidates of interest.
Thank you very much for your assistance in this important matter.
Robert S. DiPaola, MD