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Call for Nominations — UK Core Task Force

Last year a workgroup examined the UK Core utilizing input from faculty, students, staff, community members and employers. This workgroup proposed additional questions for our campus community to consider so that we can bolster and further support the UK Core.

New Title IV Reporting Requirement

To comply with Title IV federal financial aid regulations, the UK Office of Student Financial Aid must identify all students who attended, engaged in and/or participated in classes during this period (even if the student dropped) and earned aid, for which the student is due. 

Academic Ombud Fall 2024 Academic Reminders

The Fall 2024 Semester Academic Reminder contains information on the academic policies and rules set forth by the Administrative Regulation: Academic and Student Affairs.

Welcome to a New Academic Year

As we prepare to welcome our students back to campus, I offer a welcome to you as we ramp up to the beginning of a new academic year. I hope that your summer has been one of rejuvenation and rest for your mind, body and spirit. Though our dedication to our mission at UK does not waver, it is vital that we are rested and recharged to put forth our best efforts during the academic year.

Call for Nominations — Search Advisory Committee for Dean of the College of Education

I am writing to inform you that we will begin the search process for a permanent dean to lead the College of Education and its community as they continue expanding their impact on the education and lives of Kentuckians and people across the world. The search process will begin soon with the goal of the college’s next dean joining us by July 1, 2025.

Updated Syllabus Guidance and Checklist

The Fall 2024 Syllabus Guidance and Checklist details the essential elements for your class syllabi and what we hope is other helpful guidance as you make final preparations for your classes.

Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs (FTRPs) Policy

As required by federal law, the University of Kentucky is issuing a new policy concerning participation in foreign talent recruitment programs (FTRPs).

New Provisional Faculty Senate Executive Committee

As of July 1, I am leading a Provisional Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Provisional FSEC) until a new Faculty Senate is seated. The Provisional FSEC consists of 22 members: 19 faculty members, the two elected faculty Trustees and myself. Following the Board’s decision in June, I asked each of the deans to nominate faculty members from their colleges and areas — the faculty chosen to serve on the Provisional FSEC are an integral part of creating the future Faculty Senate at UK.

New Vice Provost Appointed

I am pleased to inform you that Jana Jasinski has agreed to serve as the vice provost at the University of Kentucky, effective August 15, 2024. This announcement is the result of feedback from faculty, staff and students and the search advisory committee.

Acting Associate Provost for Academic Operations Appointed

Earlier this month, I informed you of a new role within the Office of the Provost: associate provost for academic operations. I am pleased to announce that Christine Harper has agreed to serve as acting associate provost for academic operations.

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