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Dear Colleagues,

As the semester progresses, I encourage you to consider what you are passionate about in your role at the University of Kentucky, as you all have great impact on our state with meaning and purpose. Examine the principles that reinforce your purpose for being here and striving to advance our Commonwealth. Use those reasons and motivations to inspire even greater innovation in your field and among our community.

At UK, we are guided by our strategic plan, The UK-PURPOSE. The first principle of the plan calls on all of us to put students first in everything that we do. They are an essential component of our mission to drive progress for the state and the world we live in. By preparing our students for lives of meaning and purpose, we ensure they can address the challenges we face on a local, national and global level.

To continue leading in teaching and inspiring our students to flourish and thrive in their learning environments, I encourage you to communicate with them about the resources and services available to help them achieve success in their educational journeys. The Office for Student Success houses an incredible group of units to assist students in a variety of ways. To learn more about connecting students to these important resources, visit this site.

As your students prepare for their upcoming midterm exams, also be mindful that they could be experiencing stress and pressure from not only exams, papers and projects, but also factors outside of their academic pursuits. Ensure that they know that their holistic well-being matters and that they are encouraged to use our campus resources focused on their overall wellness.

As faculty, you guide our students’ educational experiences. The Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) supports your work as engaging and innovative instructors for our learning communities. The Office for Faculty Advancement provides routes for your development as professionals and leaders in your fields. And UK Human Resources Work-Life and Well-Being empowers us to prioritize our own well-being to ensure we can be our best selves. 

Our community requires all of us — students, faculty, staff and others — to take part, fully and wholeheartedly. Additionally, our commitment to our work, and to one other, requires us to lean on each other when necessary. As we move further into this semester, remember this — we stand together in our mission to advance Kentucky.

Thank you for your efforts in helping our students, and each other, succeed.

Robert S. DiPaola, M.D. 