Continuing to Support Faculty Development
Dear Colleagues,
To prepare our students to be the future of the workforce — in Kentucky and beyond — we must also focus on supporting you, our esteemed faculty, as we accelerate that mission. The Office for Faculty Advancement provides that support by recognizing faculty accomplishments and building resources for development and promotion.
Faculty — at all stages of their careers — can rely on support from the Office for Faculty Advancement.
When faculty seek promotion and/or tenure, it may seem like a mystifying and complex process. As such, the Office for Faculty Advancement offers a series of workshops aimed at clarifying the details of this process, including sessions covering the preparation of a successful promotion dossier. The first session is Feb. 2, 9:30-10:30 a.m. You may register for these workshops at this link.
Other sessions include helpful information for college and departmental leaders assisting faculty through the promotion/tenure process. The first of those sessions is on Feb. 6, 2-3 p.m. You may register for these workshops at this link.
The office also has Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) leadership available to help with guidance and support for instruction.
As we focus on moving our Commonwealth forward, we remain committed to ensuring the mutual advancement of our own campus community. We encourage you to utilize these resources to grow alongside your students.
Thank you for all that you do.
Robert S. DiPaola, M.D.