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Dear Campus Colleagues,

The UK Core is a critical and foundational part of the education we provide to our students. The skills learned in these courses allow them to be prepared for lives of meaning and purpose at UK and after graduating, both personally and professionally. 

Last year a workgroup examined the UK Core utilizing input from faculty, students, staff, community members and employers. This workgroup proposed additional questions for our campus community to consider so that we can bolster and further support the UK Core. 

We will be dedicating additional time and thought into exploring those questions through the development of a collaborative UK Core Task Force comprised of faculty, students and staff. 

We are seeking nominations of faculty to serve on the UK Core Task Force, preferably those who have had experience teaching in the UK Core and who have an understanding of curriculum and assessment. Faculty members of any title series and rank are invited to join the task force. In addition, nominees should represent one of the four areas of UK Core: Intellectual Inquiry; Composition and Communication; Quantitative Reasoning; and Citizenship. 

The task force will meet biweekly through the academic year at 10-11 a.m. on Wednesdays.

To nominate yourself or someone else to serve on the UK Core Task Force, please click here

Nominations are due by Friday, Sept. 6 at 5 p.m.

Thank you in advance. We appreciate your consideration of nominees to assist in this important work. 

Brandi Frisby 
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs