Acting Vice Provost and Dean Liaison Appointed Acting Vice Provost and Dean Liaison Appointed Acting Vice Provost and Dean Liaison Appointed
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Jennifer Greer as the acting vice provost and dean liaison.
Dr. Greer’s appointment to this role is effective September 18, 2023.
I am appointing Dr. Greer to this new and necessary leadership role after receiving feedback from our community. An advisory committee was formed consisting of a dean, representatives from the University Senate and Staff Senate, a staff member and a Student Government Association representative. I thank the advisory committee for their review of and insight on those persons nominated.
Dr. Greer has been the dean of the College of Communication and Information (CI) at the University of Kentucky since 2019. During her time in CI, she has strategically collaborated with college leadership to grow enrollment, especially among first-time undergraduate students. She expanded CI’s role in delivering UK Core courses; improved retention and graduation rates; and refurbished existing space in Lucille Little Library and McVey Hall. Under her leadership, CI also has embarked on two major capital projects — in Pence Hall and at Central Bank Center — which will transform the college for years to come.
Prior to her time at UK, Dr. Greer served as associate provost, interim dean and department chair at the University of Alabama, and acting dean, graduate director and academic chair at the University of Nevada.
We will be working with CI to identify an acting dean in accordance with our processes.
I greatly appreciate Dr. Greer’s willingness to serve as the acting vice provost and dean liaison. Please join me in congratulating and thanking her.
Robert S. DiPaola, MD