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Syllabi Requirements

Every course syllabus must include the following:

  1. Detailed information about the course (i.e., the 24 required syllabi components listed in Administrative Regulation — Academic and Student Affairs Section;  
  2. A link to the Academic Policy Statements web page or a copy and paste of the text at that URL;  
  3. A link to the Academic Offenses Rules for Undergraduate and Graduate Students web page or a copy and paste of the text at that link. (Syllabi for professional-level classes must include that program's rules on academic offenses or a link to a page with that information.)

Instructors may add additional information, as needed, such as information on generative AI, resources for students and/or information on classroom recording and course copyright.

Instructors should include the following language regarding Classroom Emergency Preparedness and Response:

Nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of our campus community. While the University of Kentucky Police Department continues to enhance campus safety measures, it’s important to remember that everyone has a responsibility in keeping our community safe. To find more information visit Emergency Response Guide | University of Kentucky Police Department ( 

Emergency Reporting & Action 


If there is an emergency, DIAL 911. To report suspicious activity or non-emergency situations, call the UK Police Department at 859-257-8573 or #UKPD from any mobile phone. 

If an emergency occurs in a classroom or residence hall with a red emergency button, press to quickly notify UKPD. Emergency responders will immediately be dispatched to your location. 


During an emergency, you are responsible for your own safety. 

If an emergency occurs during class, your instructor will provide further direction based on university and department emergency plans. 

Warning Systems 

UK Alert 

The university provides emergency notifications through UK Alert, which sends messages via email, text message, phone calls, building alarm systems, digital signage, social media and outdoor sirens. If you receive a UK Alert message during class, notify your instructor and classmates immediately. 

For more information, visit


The university provides additional emergency preparedness information and safety tools through LiveSafe, a free mobile app for iOS and Android. You can report suspicious activity, message with UK Police and virtually escort your friends through the SafeWalk tool. 

For more information, visit

Blue Emergency Towers 

Blue Emergency Notification Towers are strategically placed at over 50 locations across campus to provide outdoor alert tones and broadcast emergency messages with loud speakers. Each tower also features an emergency push button speaker phone that reaches UKPD and a camera mounted above the tower. 

For more information, visit

Medical Emergency 

If there is a medical emergency, dial 911 and do not act outside the scope of your medical training. After dialing 911, inform your instructor of the situation. 


It is required to evacuate for a fire alarm or when university officials order us to do so. Evacuation routes are marked with illuminated exit signs throughout the building. Avoid using elevators during any evacuation. 

Emergency Sheltering 

Storm Sheltering 

Report to the recommended shelter locations. Recommended shelter locations are marked throughout the building. 

If shelter locations are unavailable, protect yourself from lightning and flying debris by moving to an interior room or hallway on the building's lowest level. Avoid outside doors and windows and get under a sturdy table and use your arms to protect your head and neck. 


If a shelter-in-place order is issued, you will learn about this through UK Alert, the university’s emergency notification system. 

If you are inside, stay where you are unless the building you are in is affected. If the building is affected, and the fire alarm has been activated or directed by law enforcement, you should evacuate. If you are outdoors, proceed into the closest UK building or follow instructions from emergency personnel or alerts. 

It is ideal to shelter-in-place in an interior room with the fewest or no windows and no doors to the outside if possible. Shut all windows and close exterior doors. 

If a hazardous chemical release occurs outside the building, follow these same procedures. 

Active Aggressor 

In a situation where an aggressor is trying to attack you or others, follow three steps: 

1. Run - Attempt to get away from the attacker. 

2. Hide - If you cannot run, barricade yourself in a safe place. Turn your phone to silent and dim your brightness. If possible, use the LiveSafe App to message UK Police and alert them to your location. If you don’t have the app, dial 911. If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen. 

3. Fight - If you cannot run or hide, do whatever you need to do to stop the attacker. 

UK Police will communicate additional information through the UK Alert system during an active aggressor situation. Every UKY email automatically receives UK Alerts. You can also sign up in myUK to receive alerts via text and phone call. 

Syllabus Guidance and Checklist

Optional Components for Syllabi

Classroom Recording and Course Copyright

Below is sample language for items that instructors often think are helpful to have in a syllabus, although the Senate Rules do not require them. 

The two (optional) passages below regarding Course Recordings and Course Copyright are offered as possible language for inclusion in syllabi, for faculty to assert these rights and grant various permissions to students. If included, the text on Course Recordings and the text on Course Copyright may be edited by the instructor(s) as appropriate for their courses and circumstances.

Classroom Recordings

The University of Kentucky Code of Student Conduct defines Invasion of Privacy as using electronic or other devices to make a photographic, audio, or video record of any person without their prior knowledge or consent when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress.

Meetings of this course may be recorded. All video and audio recordings of lecturers and class meetings, provided by the instructors, are for educational use by students in this class only. They are available only through the Canvas shell for this course and are not to be copied, shared, or redistributed.

As addressed in the Code of Student Conduct, students are expected to follow appropriate university policies and maintain the security of linkblue accounts used to access recorded class materials. Recordings may not be reproduced, shared with those not enrolled in the class, or uploaded to other online environments.

If the instructor or a UK office plans any other uses for the recordings, beyond this class, students identifiable in the recordings will be notified to request consent prior to such use. In anticipation of such cases, students may be asked to complete an “authorization of use” form by a faculty member.

Video and audio recordings by students are not permitted during the class unless the student has received prior permission from the instructor. Any sharing, distribution, and or uploading of these recordings outside of the parameters of the class is prohibited. Students with specific recording accommodations approved by the Disability Resource Center should present their official documentation to the instructor.

All original instructor-provided content for this course, which may include handouts, assignments, and lectures, is the intellectual property of the instructor(s). Students enrolled in the course this academic term may use the original instructor-provided content for their learning and completion of course requirements this term, but such content must not be reproduced or sold. Students enrolled in the course this academic term are hereby granted permission to use original instructor-provided content for reasonable educational and professional purposes extending beyond this course and term, such as studying for a comprehensive or qualifying examination in a degree program, preparing for a professional or certification examination, or to assist in fulfilling responsibilities at a job or internship; other uses of original instructor-provided content require written permission from the instructor(s) in advance.

Generative AI Information for Instructors